Supplementary grant funding

Listing summary

When we provide supplementary funding.


We don't usually give supplementary funding on top of an existing Wellcome grant. But we do in specific circumstances.

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Coronavirus (Covid-19) supplementary funding
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Coronavirus (Covid-19) - subheading

If your grant has been disrupted by the pandemic and is due to end in 2020 or 2021, you may have already received a supplement from us.

For all other grants, as well as those due to end in 2022 or later, we will only agree to provide a supplement in exceptional circumstances.

Instead, we expect you to manage your existing funds to lessen the impact of the pandemic disruption. For example, you could:

  • adjust your research programme
  • use your grant funds flexibly (read our policy on transferring costs between budget headings)
  • ask for help from your organisation
  • use the government support available, including the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (in the UK) if your employer determines that this is appropriate.

If your award is from our Innovations division and payments are conditional on milestones, you should discuss your needs with your Wellcome contact.

See our Coronavirus (Covid-19): information for grantholders.

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When we will provide supplementary funding
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When we will provide supplementary funding - subheading

We will provide supplementary funding to cover:

  • the costs of paid parental leave or sick leave taken by Wellcome-funded staff
  • additional direct research costs (such as research staff and expenses) when a Wellcome grantholder takes parental leave or sick leave.

For sick leave, tell us when you took sick leave and for how long, but please do not share any sensitive personal health information with us.

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When we may provide supplementary funding
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When we may provide funding - subheading

We may provide supplementary funding to cover:

  • Increases to Wellcome fellows' salaries resulting from:
    • promotions – within an organisation and when moving to another organisation)
    • regrading – for example, when a clinician completes their clinical training and receives an Honorary Consultant Contract (HCC).

    You must include evidence with your request to show that the standard institutional process has been followed.

  • Additional Programmed Activities (PAs) when a clinician with an HCC, formally renegotiates their employment contract from the standard 10 PAs a week to 11 PAs. We will not pay for a 12th PA.

  • Salary support for compassionate leave. We will pay up to five full days' salary. If your employing organisation provides more than five days, we will consider a supplement to your grant for 50% of the cost incurred by your organisation for the extra days. Your organisation must pay the remaining 50%.

  • Support to enable grantholders, and anyone working on a grant, including Wellcome-funded students, to complete their project if:
    • they are disabled or have a long-term health condition, and
    • the government and/or their employer doesn't cover these costs, either in full or not at all.

    Read about how to ask for these costs.

  • Open access publication costs if:

  • Visa, work permit, renewal and Immigration Health Surcharge costs for staff employed on your grant, their partners and dependants, where:

    • the personal costs they are entitled to exceed the costs awarded, and
    • there are insufficient grant funds to cover these costs.
  • Additional overseas allowances, where the personal costs they are entitled to exceed the costs awarded.

  • Adverse currency exchange rate movements, if your grant was awarded in a currency chosen by Wellcome. Read our guidance on currency exchange rate fluctuations.

  • Exceptional or unforeseen circumstances – we will only provide this up to 31 March 2022.
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When we won't provide supplementary funding
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When we won't - subheading

We don't provide supplementary funding when the actual costs of employing staff are more than the salary budget we've awarded. For example, when:

  • actual pay awards for staff are more than those used to calculate the salary budget
  • staff are employed on a higher salary than originally budgeted for
  • there is an increase in employers' National Insurance and/or USS pension contributions
  • there is an increase in studentship fees and stipend rates.

You can use any of the other funds on your grant to cover the actual costs of employing staff.

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Funding guidance - Contact us
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Supplementary grant funding – Funding Guidance | Wellcome
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We provide supplementary funding for parental leave or sick leave taken by Wellcome-funded staff; additional direct research costs, salary increases.
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