Contact us

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How to contact us, directions to our offices, and information about accessibility in our buildings.


How to contact us, directions to our offices, and information about accessibility in our buildings.

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Wellcome Trust
Gibbs Building
215 Euston Road
London NW1 2BE

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Our headquarters – the Gibbs Building – is at 215 Euston Road, London, NW1 2BE.

By tube

The nearest underground stations are:

  • Euston Square
  • Euston
  • Warren Street 
  • King’s Cross St Pancras

Euston Square has step-free access between the platform and street level from the Westbound platform only.

Find out how to get to us by tube with Transport for London’s journey planner.

By train

The nearest mainline stations are:

  • Euston
  • King’s Cross
  • St Pancras International

By bus

The following buses stop close to our main entrance at 215 Euston Road:

  • 18, 30, 73, 205, 390

Find out how to get to us by bus with Transport for London’s journey planner.

By bike

There are bike stands near the main entrance of Wellcome Collection on Euston Road, and at the side of the building on Gordon Street. 

There are also Santander docking stations behind the building on Gower Place. 

By car

If you’re using a taxi, there are drop off points by our:

  • main visitor entrance at 215 Euston Road (raised kerb)
  • staff-only entrance on Gower Place (raised and dropped kerb). It’s a short distance from here to our main visitor entrance at the front of the building.

We have two parking spaces for Blue Badge holders

By coach

We don’t have any parking spaces for coaches, but Transport for London has information about parking for coaches in London.

Transport accessibility guides

Transport for London have produced a range of helpful guides in alternative formats to help you plan your journey. 

Getting here
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There is free WiFi for visitors to the Gibbs Building at 215 Euston Road. 

Go the settings in your device and choose 'Wellcome-WiFi' from the networks list.

Alternatively, if you're a visitor from an organisation that uses eduroam, you'll be able to connect to eduroam at Wellcome using your organisation's credentials. 

Connecting to Wifi
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We don’t want there to be any barriers to you visiting us. Here are some of the services we offer.  

Step-free access

All the floors in Wellcome, including the entrance, have step-free access.

Accessible toilets

There are accessible toilets on every floor. A Changing Places toilet is available in Wellcome Collection next door at 183 Euston Road. 

Assistance animals

You’re very welcome to bring along your assistance animals.

Blue Badge parking

We have two parking spaces for Blue Badge holders. If you’d like to book a space, call or email the person you’re visiting at Wellcome before you visit. 

Our Blue Badge bays are in our underground car park at 42 Gower Place.

Gower Place is one-way. You drive into it from Gordon Street or Endsleigh Gardens. Halfway along Gower Place on the right-hand side, just past the goods entrances, there are two silver car lifts. The lift you need is the furthest to the left. It has a sign for Wellcome Trust and Wellcome Collection.

When you arrive, call +44 (0)20 7611 5778.

There are also Blue Badge parking bays near us. Find out where on Blue Badge’s London map

Induction loops

There is a fixed induction loop at our reception on the ground floor.

We also have portable induction loops which you can pick up at reception. If you’d like to reserve a portable loop, call or email the person you’re visiting at Wellcome before you visit. 

Quiet / chill out room

We have a quiet / chill out room on the second floor. 

Contact us

For more information about the accessibility of our building, or to give feedback, contact our facilities service desk at or +44 (0)20 7611 8822. We’re open between 09:00 and 17:00, Monday to Friday.    

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Next door to the Gibbs Building, at 183 Euston Road, is Wellcome Collection, a free museum and library. We believe everyone’s experience of health matters. Through our collections, exhibitions and events, in books and online, we explore the past, present and future of health.

Wellcome Collection houses the Wellcome Library, which contains historical and contemporary resources exploring our personal and cultural relationships with health and medicine.

Wellcome Collection website

Wellcome Collection and Library
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We aim to maintain high standards at all times, and we’re keen to improve what we do and how we do it. We accept complaints and other feedback about anything that we do or are connected with.

If you make a complaint to us, we will aim to resolve the complaint to your satisfaction and ours.

We have separate complaint processes for:

  • our normal operations
  • properties that we are directly responsible for. 

These are set out below.

If you have a general query or question, please contact us by submitting a general enquiry form. If your question is related to funding, please email

General complaints process

This applies to all complaints against Wellcome except properties that we are directly responsible for.

If you’ve been dealing with someone at Wellcome already, you can send your complaint directly to them.

If you prefer, you can email

Stage 1 Your complaint will be investigated and responded to by an appropriate member of our staff. Who this is will depend on what the complaint is about.

We aim to resolve all complaints, to your satisfaction and ours, at Stage 1.

Stage 2 If you’re not satisfied with the response at Stage 1, we may refer your complaint to a member of our Executive team to investigate further and respond to you.

Stage 3 If you’re not satisfied with the response at Stage 2, and if the Executive team member handling the complaint thinks it is serious enough, they may refer it to Wellcome’s Director for further review. The Director’s decision will be final.

Complaints about grants

If your complaint is about how a grant was handled or any aspect of our application process, please be aware that any funding decision is final and we cannot reconsider it as part of the complaint process.

Complaints about property

If you have a complaint relating to management of a property that we’re directly responsible for, you should follow this process.

Stage 1 Put your complaint in writing as soon as possible after the incident and send it by post or email to the manager responsible for the property. If you don’t know which manager is responsible, send it to and we will either forward it to the relevant property manager or give you their contact details.

You will need to follow the property manager’s complaints procedure to its conclusion before you raise a complaint directly with us.

Stage 2 If you have completed the property manager’s procedure and you are not satisfied with the result, you can ask for the decision to be referred to Wellcome’s property investment team for review. In most cases this will be the final stage.

If we receive a complaint that hasn’t already been through Stage 1, we may refer it back to that stage.

Stage 3 If the property investment team thinks that the complaint is serious enough, it may be referred to a managing partner of Investments for review. Their decision will be final.

This process doesn’t apply if:

  • you are asking for information
  • you are asking to amend records
  • there are legal proceedings in process.

In these cases, you should contact the property manager with any queries.

Our approach to complaints

We aim to respond quickly and politely, and to give fair and reasonable responses. We expect complaints to be made in the same spirit. 

If a complaint is unreasonable, or if the person making it acts unreasonably, we may depart from our usual complaint processes. Unreasonable behaviour might include excessive communication, harassment of staff, abuse and refusal to acknowledge communications.

We will not respond to complaints that constitute bullying and harassment, including messages that are abusive or threatening, and any such messages may be reported.

We may vary our complaint processes if we think it appropriate, for example to escalate a particular complaint to a later stage.

Complaints are confidential but we may, if necessary, involve third parties to understand the issues and investigate fully.

We record all serious complaints. We use their outcomes to monitor the performance of our service providers and identify where we can make improvements.

If we receive complaints through any other channels, we will still use the same processes to handle them.

How to make a complaint
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