Overheads policy

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When researchers can ask for overheads and what costs are included.


We fund the direct costs of research. Depending on the nature of the organisation, we may also fund overheads.

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Researchers can ask for overheads if their grant will be based at a:

  • university outside the UK
  • research organisation that does not receive core funding for overheads
  • charitable or not-for-profit organisation
  • small or medium-sized commercial organisation

Researchers can also ask for overheads on any part of the grant that is sub-contracted to any of the organisations listed above. Researchers who are based at a UK university cannot ask for overheads for sub-contracted activity if their university will include the sub-contracted funding in its annual reporting for the charity support element of UK government block funding. For example, the Charity Research Support Fund for universities in England.

Overheads can include:

  • estates, for example, building and premises
  • non-project dedicated administrative and support staff
  • administration, for example, finance, library, and room hire

The total cost for overheads should not be more than 20% of the direct research costs.

These costs must directly support the activity funded by the grant.

See more information in the 'Overheads' section under 'What we offer' on our scheme pages.

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How charitable research is funded in the UK university sector
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How charitable research is funded in the UK university sector

Wellcome, together with other UK medical research charities, will only pay the direct costs of research at UK universities.

The UK higher education funding bodies provide funding for directly allocated and indirect costs associated with charity-funded research.

In England, this funding is called the Charity Research Support Fund. Similar funding is provided by the Scottish Funding Council, Higher Education Funding Council for Wales and the Northern Ireland government.

This policy was updated in October 2024.

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Overheads Policy - Grant Funding | Wellcome
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Get information on Wellcome's overheads policy for funded schemes. Grant holders can find out if they are eligbile for overheads payments and what this may include.
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