Postdoctoral research

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For researchers with a PhD or equivalent.


If you have a PhD or equivalent, or you’re about to finish one, you can apply for our postdoctoral research funding in biomedical science, population health or humanities and social science.

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During postdoctoral research
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During postdoctoral research

During this stage in your research career, you’ll be guided by more experienced researchers while you:

  • consolidate your research skills and experience
  • explore new research areas
  • experience new research environments
  • develop your independence
  • expand your network of collaborators
  • deliver research contributions, eg publications or policy-related work.
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Qualifications, skills and experience you'll need
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Qualifications, skills and experience you'll need

To get funding for postdoctoral research, you should usually have, or expect to have, a PhD or equivalent. 

You may also have some initial postdoctoral experience. 

You should have:

  • started to make significant contributions to research
  • developed your own research ideas
  • delivered previous research projects
  • established collaborations.

You'll need to be able to describe your long-term research vision beyond this career stage.

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Researcher stories
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Researcher stories

Read about the career journeys of some of our researchers.

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Postdoc - Our funding
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Postdoc - Our funding
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Funding early-career researchers from any discipline who are ready to develop their research identity. Through innovative projects, they will deliver shifts in understanding that could improve human life, health and wellbeing. By the end of the award, they will be ready to lead their own independent research programme.

Wellcome Early-Career Awards
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Postdoc - Our funding

Providing small grants to support basic biomedical scientists as they develop their independent research careers. The scheme is a collaboration between the Academy of Medical Sciences (AMS) and the Wellcome Trust.

Springboard Awards
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Postdoc - Our funding
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After postdoctoral research
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After this career stage

If you want to continue your career in research, you should be ready to lead your own independent research programme. There are a number of possible options, including as a:

  • fellow leading a research programme (eg funded by a charity, research council or a university)
  • lecturer or other academic post
  • core-funded group leader (short-term or tenured)
  • researcher in sectors outside of academia, eg industry, policy.

If you decide not to pursue a career in research, there are many options open to you. You’ll have transferable skills that you can use in roles related to research or outside of research, eg in industry or teaching.

Or you can move between research and other professions at different stages in your career.

Find out more about the next stage in a research career: leading a research programme.

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Postdoctoral Research - Grant Funding | Wellcome
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Information about Wellcome's postdoctoral research funding. Read researcher stories and find out what to expect during this stage of a research career and beyond.
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