Privacy and confidentiality: Wellcome grants

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Wellcome is committed to safeguarding your personal information in accordance with data protection law.


Wellcome is committed to safeguarding your personal information in accordance with data protection law.

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Read the Wellcome Grants Privacy and Confidentiality Statement [PDF 271KB] to find out how we collect, store and use personal information from:

  • grant applicants
  • grantholders
  • grant participants (for example sponsors, supervisors, coapplicants, collaborators)
  • staff employed on grants
  • external reviewers and committee members.

We co-fund a number of our grants with partner organisations. View a list of these partners and the information we share with them [XLSX 19KB], which includes:

  • who administers the award
  • who we may share grantholder diversity and inclusion data with.
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Privacy and confidentiality: Wellcome grants - Grant Funding | Wellcome
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Find out how we collect, store and use personal information from grant applicants, grantholders, grant participants, staff employed on Wellcome grants, external reviewers and advisors.
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