Open research

Listing summary

We want the research we fund – like publications, data, software and materials – to be open and accessible, so it can have the greatest possible impact.


We want the research we fund to be open and accessible, so it can have the greatest possible impact. 

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Our position

Transforming human health will take longer if research outputs – like publications, data, software and biological materials – aren’t managed, shared and used in ways that realise their full value.

We’ve been leading efforts to make research more open for over 20 years, ever since we worked to make sure the results of the Human Genome Project were released immediately into the public domain.


In recent years, the research community has made significant progress. But there are still challenges. For example, many researchers are concerned that the time and effort taken to share outputs puts them at a competitive disadvantage, without bringing enough benefits. Addressing challenges like this is at the heart of our work. 

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What we’re doing
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What we’re doing

Open access to publications

We were the first research funder to introduce a mandatory open access policy. All journal articles, book chapters and monographs that present the findings of the research we fund must be made freely available. Since then, more than 150 global research funders have followed our lead.


We also:


Data, software and material sharing

There are many challenges around sharing research outputs, from how best to use confidential patient data in research, to how to share data when under the pressure of a public health emergency like coronavirus or Ebola. Our open research team works with other teams across Wellcome and with partners to address these challenges.

Our policy and guidance on data, software and materials management and sharing sets out what we expect of our researchers.


Clinical trials data 

Clinical trials data is a valuable resource for researchers, who can use it to advance medical science by building on previous findings and exploring new questions. 

We support the sharing of this data in several ways.

Incentives for researchers 

Researchers who lead the way in making their research open aren’t always given the recognition or incentives for doing so.

To help improve this we:

  • worked with the Open Research Funders Group to develop a blueprint that funders can use to incentivise and facilitate open research.
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Funding opportunities
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Funding opportunities

We offer a number of funding opportunities to support open research.

These include:

  • the Open Research Fund to support individuals and teams anywhere in the world to carry out groundbreaking experiments in open research. Awards can be up to £50,000 and the scheme is open to applications once a year. 
  • the Wellcome Data Re-use Prizes to stimulate and celebrate the innovative re-use of research data. Winners receive a prize of £15,000 and the opportunity to publish their entry in Wellcome Open Research. Prizes run once or twice a year.
  • small amounts of funding to help researchers and organisations host meetings, workshops and events related to open research. 

For more information, please contact the team at

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Requests for information
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Current initiatives

Transparent communication of open access publishing services and prices

Following cOAlition S' adoption of two price and service transparency frameworks, we have published a request for information to build an online service that provides access to publisher services and pricing data

The service would provide a secure means by which:

  • academic journal publishers, who publish research articles funded by cOAlition S organisations, can upload price and service data, as specified in either of the cOAlition S-approved price transparency frameworks
  • approved users (for example researchers, funders, institutions, librarians and library consortia) can access this data and download or compare the prices and services provided by different journals and publishers. 

The deadline to respond to this request for information is 30 November 2020, 17:00 GMT. Send your responses to

FAIRware: a software tool to assess the FAIRness of research outputs

We're currently looking at the scope to develop a software tool that can assess whether research outputs produced by Wellcome-funded researchers are FAIR (findable, accessible, interoperable, reusable).

We expect the project will involve the development of a:

  • checklist of FAIR requirements for each output type
  • software tool capable of reliably assessing the extent to which each output type meets the FAIR requirements.

We're currently reviewing the responses we received to an initial request for information [PDF 422KB], and will provide an update soon.  

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More information

A full list of our published reports and data sets can be accessed on Figshare. Below are links to several key resources.

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Open Research | Wellcome
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We want the research we fund – like publications, data, software and materials – to be open access, so it can have the greatest possible impact.
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