Joint Health Systems Research Initiative

Listing summary

This funding scheme supports research based in low- and middle-income countries to improve health systems in those locations. Find out what we offer and how to apply.


This scheme supports research based in low- and middle-income countries to improve health systems in those locations.

The scheme is jointly supported by the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office (FCDO), the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), the Medical Research Council (MRC) and the Wellcome Trust.

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Who can apply

You can apply to the Health Systems Research Initiative if your research is based in a low- or middle-income country.

The principal investigator for your study must be employed by an eligible organisation either in a low- or middle-income country or in the UK. If the principal investigator is based in the UK, there must be a clear partnership with, and scientific leadership from, co-investigators based in the countries where the project will take place.

You can find out more about eligibility for this initiative on the Medical Research Council website.

What we're looking for

Health systems in low- and middle-income countries face the challenges of substantial socioeconomic and health inequalities, rapid globalisation and evolving disease burdens. We need a robust evidence base to strengthen health systems and improve the delivery of healthcare.

Our reviewers are looking for proposals that will generate evidence on how to strengthen and improve health systems in low- and middle-income countries. Research findings should inform the delivery of evidence-based interventions or structural changes that are of direct relevance to decision makers.

You should describe how and why your project findings will have the potential to improve the health of people living in low- and middle-income countries.

We encourage applications from multidisciplinary teams that include biomedical scientists and social scientists.

You can chose from two types of grant:

  • Research grants: These grants are for small and larger-scale projects.
  • Foundation grants: These grants support researchers who are conducting preliminary studies before designing research grant proposals. The grants are also for exploring possible innovations, under-researched areas and creative approaches.

You can find out more about eligibility for this initiative on the Medical Research Council website.

Who can apply and what we're looking for
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What we offer
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There are two types of grant. Both types include research expenses directly related to the study.

1. Research grants

These grants normally last up to three years, with a maximum duration of five years. There are no budget limits.

2. Foundation grants

Each foundation grant has a maximum budget of £200,000 and lasts for 24 months.

You can find out more about the support we offer on the Medical Research Council website.

What we don’t offer

We don't fund the routine delivery of health services. Funding is available for research only.

Funding level, duration of award and research expenses
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How to apply
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Please go to the Medical Research Council website to find out how to apply. The MRC processes all applications for this scheme. Please don’t apply to the Wellcome Trust.

The Joint Health System Research Committee shortlists and recommends applicants. There are no interviews for this scheme.

Stages of application
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Key dates

The Medical Research Council considers applications once a year.

Timeline description

Research grants

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Research grants
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19 January 2021
Outline proposal deadline
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16 June 2021
Invited full proposal deadline
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October 2021
Panel meeting
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Closed to new applications
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Foundation grants

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Foundation grants
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Find out about how we've worked with the funding community to develop principles and obligations setting out what we expect from those responsible for clinical training, trainees and funders across the UK.

Meta title
Joint Health Systems Research Initiative | Grant Funding | Wellcome
Meta description
This funding scheme supports research based in low- and middle-income countries to improve health systems in those locations. Find out what we offer and how to apply.
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Funding amount

Approximately £4 million is available to fund five to ten research grants. Foundation grants are up to £200,000 each.

Funding duration

Research grants normally last up to three years. Foundation grants last for 24 months.

Scheme status