Wellcome Photography Prize FAQs

Listing summary

Answers to some of the Wellcome Photography Prize most frequently asked questions, covering everything from how to enter, to images sizes, to how you find out if your photograph has won.


Below are answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about the Wellcome Photography Prize. They cover everything from how to enter, to image sizes, to how you find out if your photograph has won.

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What size should my image be?
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What size should my image be?

Images must be at least 15MB in size (uncompressed) and use Adobe RGB (1998) colour model and profile. All images must be submitted as high-resolution files suitable for printing as winning images will be reproduced, including in print format. TIFF or high-resolution JPG formats are preferred but we will also accept GIF, JPEG and PNG formats.

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Can I submit images taken on my smartphone?
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Can I submit images taken on my smartphone?

Yes. We just ask that images meet a minimum file size of 15MB.

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How do I enter?
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How do I enter?

Entries are currently closed, but when open photographs must be submitted through our online submission platform.

Because of the high number of images we receive, we do not accept entries via email.

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How much does it cost to submit?
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How much does it cost to submit?

Nothing. The competition is free to enter.

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Do you accept international submissions?
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Do you accept international submissions?

Yes, absolutely. We welcome entries from all countries and there are no geographical limits on submissions.

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Is there a limit on how long ago my photo was taken?
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Is there a limit on how long ago my photo was taken?

No. If you feel your image is still relevant to the themes of the prize, we encourage you to enter.

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Do I need the permission of any individuals in my photograph?
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Do I need the permission of any individuals in my photograph?

Yes. If there are any identifiable individuals within the photograph, permissions need to be given. As stated in the competition terms and conditions, any entrant, or representative submitting images on your behalf warrants they have all third-party permissions and releases, including patient consent if relevant, necessary to have taken the image and to publish the image.

When you submit your entry you can provide more details about how consent was given.

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Can I enter the same image into multiple categories?
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Can I enter the same image into multiple categories?

No. Images can only be entered into one prize category.

Single images that are entered into the Mental Health (single image) category cannot be included again in any series entered into the Mental Health (series) category.

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If I have entered the Prize before, can I submit the same pictures?
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If I have entered the Prize before, can I submit the same pictures?

You cannot submit any photographs you previously submitted if they were a shortlisted or winning image.

If you entered images that were not shortlisted or winners, you may enter the same images again, if you believe they are still relevant.

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How many images can I submit?
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How many images can I submit?

There is no limit on how many images you can submit, but the same image can only be entered into one prize category.

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When will I know if my picture has been shortlisted?
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When will I know if my picture has been shortlisted?

Submissions closed at 23:59pm (GMT) on 16 December 2019 and our panel of judges will review the submitted photographs in early February 2020.

We will contact shortlisted and winning photographers after the judging period has ended.

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Does my photograph need to have people in it to be successful?
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Does my photograph need to have people in it to be successful?

No. As long as your photograph highlights a global health issue in a way that addresses the themes and questions of the category you are submitting it for, it is just as eligible to win as an image which features people.

We recommend that you put as much detail as possible into the accompanying caption and information to explain your image and artistic choices.

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What do I do if I still have questions?
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What do I do if I still have questions?

Here is a link to the competition terms and conditions, which explain all elements of the competition rules in more detail.

If you have any further questions, send us a message.

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Wellcome Photography Prize 2020
How to enter the Wellcome Photography Prize
Wellcome Photography Prize competition terms and conditions
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Wellcome Photography Prize's most frequently asked questions
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