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Find out about the people and projects we've funded, including grants awarded and the latest grant funding data.


Find out about the people and projects we've funded, and the latest grant funding data.

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We fund transformative research, from discovery to impact, across fields and disciplines, focussing where our experience, expertise and influence can make a real difference.

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Awarded grants
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Awarded grants
List of Wellcome grants since 2005
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Wellcome grants awarded 1 October 2005 to 5 August 2024
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This dataset contains a list of Wellcome's grants awarded since 2005. We aim to regularly update this data. Review the title of the link for the date of the latest update.

The figures in this dataset differ from those in our Annual Report and Financial Statements because this dataset:

  • uses the amount awarded and excludes any supplements, funds written back and other adjustments to the award value
  • includes full commitment values for awards made as Programme Related Investments
  • excludes directly funded activities, including Wellcome Collection.

This dataset is presented in two tables. The first table ‘Main Grant List’ shows the organisation administering the award. In this table the column called ‘Research conducted at multiple locations?’ indicates awards with links to additional locations to the administering organisation. These additional locations can be found on the second table ‘Additional Location Data’. Some of these additional organisations may receive funding from the award, which is shown under the column called ‘Does organisation receive funding from award?’. To capture all the locations linked to our grants, the data from both these tables needs to be combined using the 'Internal ID’ to associate all the locations to a single award.

Where a grant has transferred to a different individual or organisation, the lead applicant/recipient organisation reflects the current award holder information.

Partnership value shows the total value of the award including any partner contribution. For grants with no partnership or no financial contribution from the partner the amount awarded from Wellcome is repeated in this column to indicate total value of the award. 

Full information about our funding each year is in our Annual Report and Financial Statements.

Wellcome has recently updated its grant funding system and we have made some changes to how we structure our grant data. For example, rather than have multiple grant records relating to a single award, in some cases we have combined these into a single record. This has resulted in fewer overall grant records in this dataset compared to previous versions we have published, and in some cases shifts to the financial year which a grant is allocated to. Users of this data are asked to take this into consideration when using earlier versions of this list of grants (any versions with date ranges before or up to 30th September 2023).

These spreadsheets have been created using the 360Giving data standard. The work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licence, which means the data is freely available to anyone to be used and shared as they wish. The data must be attributed to Wellcome, however we do not validate any onwards analysis, coding or use of our data.

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Annual grant funding data
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Annual grant funding data

We publish summaries of our grant funding data every year to show how we spend our money and to measure progress towards our commitment to ensuring the people we fund are more representative of the global population.

This is based on analysis of our data from our previous grant system and values may differ slightly to the grant data available for download.

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Find Wellcome grant data on other websites

We make data about our grant funding available in the following places so that our funding can be compared to that of other funders in the UK and internationally.

Wellcome does not validate any analysis, coding or use of our data that we provide for use through these external websites. The external organisations below should be contacted for further details about how they use Wellcome’s data in these tools. Please see what we publish on for data and analysis validated by Wellcome.

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Find out how Wellcome's funding contributes to UK medical research charity funding. Our financial expenditure data can be found in the Association of Medical Research Charities' member's research expenditure dashboard and our grant data is also used to produce their annual 'Our sector's footprint' reports.

Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC)
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Dimensions contains data about Wellcome awards in its global research data platform, available to use by their subscribers.

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Find Wellcome grants on the Europe PMC Grant Finder database. The values of awards shown here are the award amount, and do not include any supplements provided during the grant.

Grant data shared with ePMC also allows award holders to link Wellcome grants to their associated publications. 

All publications that report original research, which has been supported in whole, or in part, by Wellcome, must be made freely available from Europe PubMed Central upon publication. More details are available in our open access policy.


Europe PMC
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Use G Finder to find Wellcome grants that contribute to research and development of new products and technologies for global health issues.

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Use the MODARI Data Tool to find Wellcome grants that are linked to UK overseas development aid research and investment.

Mapping Overseas Development Aid Research and Innovation (MODARI)
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Wellcome data can be found through the OECD Data Explorer. Data from this is used to publish reports.

Organisation for Economic and Co-operation & Development (OECD)
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Pandemic PACT tracks and analyses global funding and evidence for research on diseases with pandemic potential and broader research preparedness efforts, ready to pivot in response to outbreaks. Data on Wellcome’s awards that features in this tracker is sourced from the list of Wellcome awards with further coding added by the Pandemic PACT team.

Pandemic PACT
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Wellcome's data features in the UK Health Research Analysis reporting series which is used to provide a snapshot of UK biomedical research funding and uses the UKCRC Health Research Classification system.

UK Health Research Analysis
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View grants funded by Wellcome and other global research funders on the World RePORT database, hosted by the National Institutes of Health, an online database and mapping tool of global research investments.

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Directed funding
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Directed funding

Directed funding is our way of tackling important research challenges that require a more sizeable focus – like how we increase our understanding of genome biology, or create reference maps of all human cells.

Read more about our major partnerships, research platforms, centres and initiatives across the world. ​

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Funded People and Projects - Grant Funding | Wellcome
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