This panel interviews candidates shortlisted for Wellcome Career Development Awards.
This panel interviews candidates shortlisted for Wellcome Career Development Awards.
Members are listed below. Additional experts will join the panel as necessary.
University of Exeter
Newcastle University/Wellcome Sanger Institute
University of Essex
University of Maynooth
National Council of Scientific and Technical Research, Argentina
University of Leeds
Northumbria University
Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
University of Bristol
Chamalimaud Center for the Unknown
University of Glasgow
University of Dundee
University of Sussex
Institute of Cancer Research
University College London
University of Edinburgh
University of Birmingham
Ecole Normale Superieure Paris Saclay
University of Surrey
University of Barcelona
University College London
University of Bern
University of Edinburgh
University of Bristol
University of Birmingham
University of Sheffield
Cardiff University
Malawi-Liverpool Wellcome Programme/Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine
University of Bristol
University of Edinburgh
University of Glasgow
University of Edinburgh
University College London
Imperial College London
Africa Health Research Institute/University College London
University of Colorado-Boulder
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science
University of Birmingham
Cardiff University
Royal Veterinary College
University of Johannesburg
University of Glasgow
University of Liverpool
University of Cambridge
University of Pretoria
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology
Newcastle University
University of Delaware
University of Oxford
University of Edinburgh
We expect members to comply with our conflicts of interest policy.