Use the interactive chart below to browse the Wellcome Global Monitor 2018 data by country
Select the country you’re interested in using the drop-down arrow in the top right corner of the chart.
Use the options at the bottom of the chart to download the country-level data as A4-size images or PDF files (follow the instructions below the chart).
This is a large dataset, so the chart may be slow to load.
Other ways to see the data
You can also download individual charts for each country, and the full dataset, using the links in the 'Other downloads' section, below the chart.
If you have any problems accessing the data in a suitable format, contact our team at
Appendix C: Country-level data | Wellcome Global Monitor 2018
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Meta description
View the country-level data of the Wellcome GLobal Montior 2018, the world’s largest study into how people around the world think and feel about science and major health challenges.